A Time To Reflect

As I sit here during month 2 of this fellowship experience I have come to the realization that this whole thing is flying by and will be over before I know it. Days can get hectic over here and very unpredictable but on the flip side I do have ample time to think and reflect which is needed. I have prioritized valuing the people I come across and the relationships I make here, embracing the work knowing that COVID restrictions have been loosened, and appreciating the impact Shooting Touch has on our beneficiaries.

When it comes to people and the relationships I’ve made here I want to make it known that I appreciate our staff to the utmost. Working with most of them now for 2 years, it’s been good to see them blossom in their roles. There is a trust that builds up when you go through real life situations with people and I’m thankful to them for that trust. During a meeting this past week I realized that most of them stuck with us through this COVID time and not every organization can say that. I am personally inclined to serve the group, so it is my duty to bring energy, enthusiasm and clear direction to them every day.

Now that we are back to regular scheduled programming it’s been a joy to embrace the work of impacting lives. What is that work you may ask? It includes training coaches through coaching clinics, on-court instruction during practice, court renovations, and event management. I enjoy the constant nature of the responsibilities and it meshes well with my own personal quest to stay fresh with ideas and master the implementation of these ideas. I force myself to stay curious not only about basketball but about people through asking a lot of questions. This curious itch usually results in me tapping back into my personal network of elders, coaches, and friends.

As I go through my days here in the village I’m regularly reminded of the importance of what we do here. I’m tasked with revising testimonials from our players and this process usually makes me stop and think about why they give us such profound answers at young ages. Life experience shapes their thoughts and most adults are unaware of the high level with which children think, please don’t look down on anyone because of age. At Shooting Touch we offer the opportunity to experience something that otherwise may not be a reality. Sometimes when you’re moving fast this reality may go over your head but I’m grateful I get to slow down everyday and process these truths. To conclude, I am thankful to be here in Rwanda not only because this place is beautiful, or because the food is great but because I will never forget these experiences. I hope the people I interact with on a daily basis feel the same way.